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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm surprised I'm not in jail...

I really thought I couldn't do this last week.  I mean, really, I was about to eat my arm off.  I was hungry, tired, cranky, and just plain bitchy.  I didn't answer the phone at work, I had road rage while driving, I said mean and nasty things to my loved ones...and I'm surprised I'm not alone.  I truly thought that I'd blog more last week to keep my mind off food, but to be honest it was all I could do to make it through the work day and drive myself home.  I was that weak...even with the occasional chicken I am allowed to have. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH"  (Those are the heavenly voices in case you can't tell) Enter my angels and their saving wisdom.  So I go for my hair appointment on Saturday and it happens that Susan is the appointment before mine, unbeknown to me.  Susan is a childhood friend of mine who just graduated from medical school and is currently training for a figure competition.  Let me tell you this woman is BUFF and TOUGH and the best friend I could have on my side right now.  The other angel is Brian, my stylist...he's always my angel.  So I see both of them, I'm in a safe place mentally because I trust them, and I just break down in tears because of frustration and not being able to control my hunger and having no energy.  Dr. Susan went into high gear and to make a long story short, between protein shakes, super green food and multi-vitamins I have more energy now than I did before I started this whole liquid crap thing.  And to top it all off, I have a HOT HOT HOT new do!!


  1. I was going to email you this morning and see how you are! I sent out your package and it got sent back. It goes back out today! Truly sorry!! Glad to hear you are better and I promise you can do it!

  2. yay!!! I am SO glad you had the help come in with those two RIGHT when you needed it!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up girl!!!
