I have been smoke free since November 22nd. This is a letter that I wrote to cigarettes. Note sure what compelled me to write a letter to an object, but really it was my final goodbye. I knew I had to be smoke free for 30 days before I would be able to have the surgery. I'm not sure if it's because I want surgery more than I want to smoke, or if it's just because I was finally ready. Regardless of what the reason is, I'm not going to question it this time. I'm rolling with it!!

The time has finally come for me to say goodbye. It has taken way to long, but I have finally come to the realization that you need to go...much like a certain man in my life, from the start I knew you were bad for me, but yet I still hung on. The irony of it all, I made a huge decision about him, deleted all aspects of him from my life, and a week later, I'm compelled, driven even to have you out of my life.
Don't get me wrong, I know you've had a strong hold on me for a while (13 years to be exact), but I have news for you...I'm a strong woman. I know you're going to try to tell me that I need you...you're going to be that 'skeeter that just won't go away...I'm prepared, so don't think you'll break me. I'm not saying it'll be easy, but nothing ever is.
Not sure if you've noticed, but it's getting cold outside. I won't miss rolling down the car window in freezing weather, nor will I miss bundling up to go outside just to take a break with you. I won't miss your smell. I won't miss the mess you make in my car or my house...and most of all, I won't miss the money you take out of my bank account each and every day.
Like I said, cutting an "old friend" out of my life is a struggle, but there's more I want than you. You stand between me and so many things in life that I desire to have and be; therefore you have to go - once and for all, I know I've tried before, but the third times a charm.
So it is without sadness that I say goodbye cigarettes. You are no longer a part of me.